Environmental Policy 

BigWater is Committed to the Protection of the Environment for Present and Future Generations. BigWater recognizes that effective management of Social and Environmental (S&E) impacts associated with its business is critical to success of its projects and operations. All employees are responsible for incorporating into their planning and work the actions necessary to fulfill this commitment.


BigWater’s Social and Environmental Policy is applicable to all of the company’s operations including:

  1. Projects (from concept to commissioning);
  2. Operation & Maintenance; and
  3. All Corporate Events and

BigWater will meet these responsibilities by endeavoring to provide the resources for continuing to:

  1. Identify and assess social and environment impacts, both adverse and beneficial, in the area of influence of its Operations; avoid, or where avoidance is not possible, minimize, mitigate, or compensate for adverse impacts on workers, affected communities, and the environment.
  2. Design and manage our operations to meet or surpass applicable environmental
  3. Work in partnership with customers, suppliers, trade associations and government agencies to promote the environmentally safe handling and disposition of materials and products.
  4. Acquire knowledge and technologies to improve the environmentally save efficient use of our processes and products.
  5. Formulate and implement effective environmental emergency response
  6. Involve our employees in our environmental programs and keep them informed of our
  7. Promote employee awareness of this policy and enhance their capabilities to implement this policy. In particular, BigWater will:
    1. improve its social and environment performance through the effective use of management systems;
    2. create safe and healthy working conditions, and protect and promote the health of all workers for whom it is a Principal Employer;
    3. avoid or minimize adverse impacts on human health and the environment by avoiding or minimizing pollution from its Operations including measures to abate emissions that contribute to climate change;
    4. protect and conserve biodiversity by avoiding habitat destruction or degradation particularly of natural and critical habitat as also protected areas; and ensure access of communities to natural resources on which their livelihoods depend;
  1. Avoid adverse impacts of its Operations on communities of Indigenous Peoples, or when avoidance is not feasible, to minimize, mitigate, for such impacts, and to provide opportunities for development benefits, in a culturally appropriate manner particularly:
    1. Ensure that the development process fosters full respect for the dignity, human rights, aspirations, cultures and natural resource-based livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples.
    2. Establish and maintain an ongoing relationship with the Indigenous Peoples that may be affected by Company’s
    3. Foster good faith negotiation with and informed participation of Indigenous People when projects are to be located on traditional or customary lands under use by the Indigenous Peoples.
    4. Respect and preserve the culture, knowledge and practices of Indigenous

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